Friday, February 20, 2015

President's Day

This week we are learning about our Presidents in honor of President's Day!  The Pre-K class practiced quill writing but I think we all agree that it's much easier to use a pen or pencil!
quill writing Pre-K
We also spent a good bit of time talking about the presidents that are on coins and dollar bills.  The children sorted and counted coins and then did a Science Experiment to clean the pennies.  They observed coins in water with dish soap, vinegar, and just water.  Of course, the vinegar and soapy water worked the best!

The children had fun making a "log cabin" by putting the popsicle sticks in order.  They also measured their height against Abraham Lincoln and compared to see who was the shortest in their class and the tallest.
President's Day preschool
The story of George Washington and the cherry tree is always a lot of fun!  They made their own cherry tree using their hands and fingerprints.  The 2 year old classroom made a little change to the song "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?" by singing "Who Chopped Down the Cherry Tree?"  It was too cute!
The 3 year olds made their silhouettes to display in their room.  It was so neat to try to figure out who each silhouette was!
Of course, the week wouldn't be complete without showing our pride in our great nation! 
Our letter of week was "c"!  We had "c" is for clouds, caterpillars, and cat!  The 2 year olds did a neat activity to include clouds, circles, and cars!

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