Friday, August 12, 2016

All About Me

Since we have several children that have moved up to the next class and a few new children, we spent this week getting to each other!  Our theme this week was "All About Me".  The children had fun telling their new friends and teachers about themselves, from their favorite color to the things they like to eat!  They even made posters to display in the classrooms!
 As Pre-K learned about each other, they also talked about their houses.  The children had fun drawing their houses and were proud to show them off!
While learning about one another, it's important to remember that we are all special and unique!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Back to School

It's hard to believe but we are "Back to School"!  We had a wonderful Summer and are excited about a new school year!  This week is all about learning about our classroom, our teachers, the class rules, and of course, all the fun we are going to have!  We also talk about how proud we are to be a part of the Sunflower Station family!  Several of our classrooms did activities to show that pride like making cute sunflowers using their hand prints.
Our classrooms also brainstormed on what their class rules should be and came up with a great list to follow!

We are starting back at the beginning of the alphabet with uppercase A.  Some children made "A is for Alligator" while others made ants on the letter "A" or created their own Angry Birds!
We also had some fun making our color of the week- green!  The children mixed yellow and blue paint for a fun and messy activity!
For our cooking project, the children made their own "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" snack to kick off starting at the beginning of the alphabet again!