Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We are green from head to toe this week!  The children are having fun with all things green, rainbows, and four leaf clovers!  Of course, we did some really cute art projects!
We also did some activities that helped our children work on some skill sets all while having fun!  The 2 year olds practiced lacing a shamrock and the Older 1's painted pasta green and then made necklaces.  Both of these activities helped the children to practice their fine motor skills and they really enjoyed it!
Some classrooms even learned about symmetry while making rainbows.  They painted certain colors on the lines drawn on the paper and then folded the paper over to complete the rainbow on the other side.  They turned out so cute and were a great learning activity for the children!
Our Pre-K class sorted, counted, and made a chart with Lucky Charms!  What a fun activity to do to work on some math skills! 
The week isn't complete without focusing on our letter of the week!  I love this "e is for egg" craft!
 We hope some good luck finds you soon! 

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