February is National Dental Month so we finished up the month by learning about our teeth! To start off, Dr. Barnes (a dentist in Huntsville) came to visit us and told us some neat facts! Everyone even got a toothbrush to take home with them! We were so thankful that he was willing to come spend some time with us and help us better understand how to take care of our teeth correctly.
To keep things going, the children made giant toothbrushes to make practicing brushing our teeth really fun! They also talked about long to brush their teeth each time they brush. Some decided to sing "Happy Birthday" in their heads as they brushed!
Painting with floss! |
For our cooking project, we had some fun with apples! After all, "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away"! Using apples and marshmallows, they made some really cute smiles to go with their own precious smiles!
This week, "D is for Dinosaur"! Dr. Barnes even showed us a video about a dinosaur named Dudley who takes a trip to the dentist.
To wrap up the week, one of our moms who is currently studying to be a dental hygentist came to talk with us. She had so many neat activities for the children to participate in and even had Mr. Tooth come visit us! The children got to brush "sugar bugs" off of a tooth, pretend to floss with a jump rope, and give Mr. Tooth a big squeeze! Everyone had so much fun and learned a lot too!